Do Eclipses Have Meaning? Anxiety, Religion and Math
are making eclipse plans. Many of us intend to see it, even if that means
traveling and dealing with the crowds. Others will leave the state to avoid
those crowds, while some of us will just stay in place and get on with life.
Some Americans apparently suffer from “eclipse
anxiety,” the uneasy feeling that an eclipse is more than a natural phenomenon
but a sign of something important, even a disaster.
If we imagine ourselves back in time, this is
understandable. Prior to our modern, urbanized life where lights are always on
and we cower in heated or air-conditioned buildings 90 percent of the day, our
ancestors lived a rural existence. Farming and agricultural activities put the
vast majority of people outside most of the time.
They became highly aware of the movements of the sun,
moon and stars because they saw them every day, at least when the weather did
not interfere. They knew the sun shined every day, traversing the sky from east
to west on a predictable course. They could even tell the time of day from its
regular movement.
So a sudden disappearance of the sun would be
upsetting, even terrifying. It would represent a departure from the way people
knew the cosmos worked. The sun was predictable. Since almost no one would have
experienced an eclipse before in their lives, the eclipse would demonstrate
that the eternal patterns of the natural world, the world which their God (or
gods) created, could be altered. And, that can’t be good.
A quick survey of the world’s religions reveals three
main responses to eclipse anxiety.
First, the most common response is that an eclipse
comprises a portent of a tragedy. Sometimes, this is a natural event, like a
drought or flood, but usually it is a political event such as the death of a
ruler or the defeat of an army in battle. Some Christians believe that the
unnatural darkness that followed Jesus’ death was an eclipse.
So, when an eclipse takes place, religious figures
work to ameliorate the coming disaster. Priests offer sacrifices to the gods.
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus states that, when an eclipse occurred
during a battle between the Medes and the Lydians, they quickly negotiated
Secondly, other religions downplay the notion of an
eclipse as a portent. In Islam, when an eclipse happened on the day Muhammad’s
son Ibrahim died, many followers interpreted the eclipse as predicting the
death. Muhammad denied this, saying, “The sun and the moon are two signs
amongst the signs of Allah. They do not eclipse because of someone’s death or
life. So, when you see them, invoke Allah and pray till the eclipse is clear.”
An eclipse, in his view, was an opportunity for prayer -- nothing more.
Similarly, Navajo traditionally stayed inside their
homes during an eclipse, singing special songs and fasting. In their view, the
world goes out of balance at an eclipse, and they help bring it back into line.
Finally, many religions realized that eclipses could
be predicted. After all, the sun moves predictably along the ecliptic path, and
the moon is only five degrees off from it. Even though they move at different
speeds, they cross paths on a regular basis. From there, it is simply a matter
of observation and math. Once you work out the pattern and know the date of one
eclipse, you can calculate the others.
Many ancient cultures built observatories to assist
them in this process. Ancient Britons built one at Stonehenge, while others are
known from Babylonia, Mesoamerica and Asia.
Today, the math for predicting solar eclipses is
widely known. It is based on the elliptical movement of the earth around the
sun; the elliptical movement of the moon around the earth; and the tilt and
wobble of the earth itself. With the right data, a high school student can work
out the date of past or future eclipses. So, even though our ancestors thought
eclipses broke their experience of nature, eclipses are actually one of
nature’s cycles.
Furthermore, while eclipses are rare for individuals,
they are a common occurrence. Despite what the hype about America’s 2017
eclipse may lead you to believe, solar eclipses happen two to four times every
year somewhere on Earth.
Note: This essay draws upon “How
Eclipse Anxiety Helped Lay the Foundation for Modern Astronomy” by Maya
Wei-Haas ( and NASA’s eclipse website (
Labels: Babylonia, common, eclipse, ecliptic, Islam, meaning, moon, Muhammad, Navajo, portent, prayer, rural, solar, Stonehenge, sun, Wyoming
I was interviewed about religious responses to solar eclipses by The Atlantic after this column was published. You can read their essay here.
Paul Flesher, at 8/17/2017
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